Friday, October 31, 2008

Teacher Wish List updated

Please take a look at the Teacher's Wish Lists. More items have been added. Thanks

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Thanksgiving Feast., Fun things this week!

Please return your replies for the Thanksgiving Feast by Monday October 27th. This will help us plan a terrific community event. We hope to see you there.

Eric Carle Museum Monster Mash. Friday October 24th, from 5 to 8 PM at the Eric Carle Museum. Kid's Free and must be accompanied by an adult. All others $10 advanced purchase and $15 at the door.

An Adult Halloween Party to benefit the fight against cancer. Oct. 25, 2008, 7:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m at the VFW, Main St. Amherst, MA. Hosted by the Graceful Walkers, a registered team for the American Cancer Society Relay for Life!! $13.00 per ticket
There will be a Band Performing, Refreshments, Cash Bar and Raffle Prizes. Costumes are encouraged. Contact Lisa Fretwell, Anita Pelis or Joan Valva at Mark’s Meadow, 413-478-5922 or To purchase tickets.

Amherst Trivia Bee. Thursday, October 30th, from 7:00 PM to 9 PM at the Middle School Auditorium. $3 admission. There will be baked goods to go along with this very entertaining evening where 30 teams compete. Hosted by Ellen Story, you are sure to have fun.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Blood Drive

South Amherst Community Blood Drive, Tuesday, Oct 28, South Congregational Church, from 1 -7 pm. Let me make you an appointment! It's easy, takes only an hour, and truly helps.
There is always a need for blood donation, if you can help please contact Jeanne.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Fun Things For The Family.

October 18th Amherst A Better Chance House Celebrates 40 Years

ABC is a national high school program which prepares academically talented and highly motivated African American, Latino, Asian, and Native American students for college and future leadership roles in the broader community. Since the program began, over 100 students have graduated from Amherst Regional High School and have attended more than 50 colleges and universities.

The ABC House invites you to be a part of our Annual Fall Foliage Walk, an Amherst tradition and inspiring community event. This year, on October 18th, the Walk will feature a shorter, five-kilometer route that begins and ends on the Town Common. Registration begins at 10:00 a.m.

At 12:00, the celebration will begin with a concert by the Charles Neville Quartet, a barbecue catered by The Pub, a public art project, and other family activities.

Through the Walk in recent years we have raised over $30,000 annually ($36,000 last year)-nearly one-third of our budget, all of which is used to maintain the ABC House. Our eight outstanding Scholars are young men of color who come from inner cities to reside here while they focus on their work at Amherst Regional High School. More than one hundred have graduated since the program was established.


Sunday October 19, 2008, Minutemen to hold free public skate
By: Melissa Turtinen, Collegian Staff Posted: 10/17/08

The Massachusetts hockey team is hosting the annual Skate with the Minutemen on Sunday at 2 p.m. at the Mullins Center practice rink during their weekend off.

The event will feature an hour of open skating, hot chocolate and other light refreshments. After there will be an autograph session with free posters featuring each skater and a schedule for the 2008-09 season. Each poster will be autographed by UMass coach Don Cahoon and the rest of the Mass Attack.

UMass will play Rensselaer on the road Tuesday and the Minutemen return home to play Providence on Oct. 31.

-Melissa Turtinen, Collegian Staff
October 25th, 2008
Adults, looking for a fun night out?

Well look no further!!

Please join us in the fight against cancer at a HALLOWEEN PARTY. sponsored by the Graceful Walkers, a registered team for the American Cancer Society Relay for Life!!
Date: Sat. Oct. 25, 2008
Where: VFW, Main St. Amherst, MA
Time: 7:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.
Donation: $13.00 per ticket
There will be a Band Performing, Refreshments, Cash Bar and Raffle Prizes. Costumes are encouraged. Contact Lisa Fretwell, Anita Pelis or Joan Valva at Mark’s Meadow, 413-478-5922 or To purchase tickets.



Thursday, October 30, 2008, 7:00-9:00pm
Middle School Auditorium

To sponsor a team or play on a team contact Linda Rotti at Jones, Town and Country, 549-3700
Proceeds to benefit the Amherst Education Foundation, Inc.

Currently there are 20 plus teams registered, we need 10 more teams to fill the stage. Teams, which are comprised of area business or 4 individuals form a group. For instance 4 elementary school principles who are out to prove they are “Smarter Than a 5th Grader”. The entry fee is 125.00 per team. The committee will also pair up a 4-player teams with a sponsor if the team does not have one.

We get our sponsors from area businesses, who support the Amherst Education Foundation's mission and see it as an opportunity to participate in a community wide event!

We have a team of trivia bee question makers who are hidden away in a sealed room grinding out secret questions in all different categories (Ha, ha). This year we are adding a special flash round of Amherst area trivia in preparation to Amherst's 250-year celebration next year!

What a great family evening out. Only $3 admission per audience member. Baked goods and lots of fun for all ages. Come join us, the bigger the crowd the more fun! All proceeds benefit Amherst Education Foundation.

Town New / Current Events: Helping at Polls Nov 4

Amherst Town Clerk Sandra Burgess is asking for help at the polls on November 4 by assisting poll workers. The task is simple but essential to the process. If you choose to volunteer your task will be to look up the correct precinct (from a master list that will be provided by the Town Clerk) for any voter who is at the wrong polling place. The shift is for 4 hours. This will speed up the process on what is expected to be a very busy Election Day. Please call Sandra Burgess at 259-3035 today or tomorrow (Monday or Tuesday) if you can volunteer.

Also, if you are able to drive voters to the polls on Election Day, please call Nancy Pagano at the Council on Aging at 259-3060.

from the League of Women Voters, Amherst

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Amherst Education Foundation in Action for ARPS Schools

As many parents are aware, the budget crisis facing our school district in the coming years is dire. Last weekend, several board members of the non-profit Amherst Education Foundation (AEF), and Glenda Cresto, the new principal of the Middle School (ARMS), met to discuss critical issues facing ARMS and the district as a whole. Now in its 15th year, AEF's mission is to enhance academic excellence for all students in the public schools of Amherst, Leverett, Pelham and Shutesbury. Over the last two years, AEF has contributed over $85,000 to the schools, and plans are underway to dramatically increase this amount to meet the needs of the district’s students in the increasingly limited budget environment.

AEF is entering its next phase of strategic planning in order to establish a reliable source of long-term funding for the Amherst Regional Public Schools. AEF’s development and strategic planning committees are working to create an even more powerful funding mechanism that provides significant support for teachers and students on a consistent basis.

Last spring several members of AEF met with former School Superintendent Jere Hochman to begin this planning process. His suggestions included funding for professional development for teachers. The meeting with Glenda Cresto was the second in a series of meetings to gather information on the district’s most pressing needs. Ms. Cresto’s suggestions included funding long-term programs with 3- to 5-year commitments. One such initiative is a teacher mentoring program which would improve the teacher turnover rate.

In the coming months, AEF will meet with (or survey) principals, teachers, parents, the local business community, town management, and others. Dr. Hochman and Ms. Cresto’s ideas, combined with those that will be gathered this fall, will create a new roadmap for AEF for funding public schools in the district.

Visit AEF’s website: to make tax-deductible general or targeted donations to local schools.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Parent Guardian Group Meeting

PGG Meeting, October 6, 2008
Marks Meadow Library

6:00 Introductions and assign a time keeper
6:02 Meg- Passive Fundraising request for participation
6:04 Tracy- Other schools PTO’s report
-Amherst Education Shopping Day
6:06 Tracy- Parent Information Room
-Parent information bulletin board
6:08 Tracy- Class Directory- approve funding for copying
6:10 Stephanie- Financial report
6:12 Open Conversation for Volunteering
-volunteer coordinator
- Savings Makes Cents Volunteer
-room parent lead
-volunteer form
-raffle for volunteer form
6:27 Tracy- Recycling update and requests
6:32 Open Conversation Annual fundraiser
(*ACH payments forms)
6:42 Ana Thomas and group conversation- Thanksgiving
6:57 Principal’s report
7:05 Open conversation- report from Shannon Borrell on Memorial Fund and how we can assist the Espinoza Family and any other conversation regarding the bus accident. 7:20 Set next meeting’s agenda and dates for the year
7:30 End meeting

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Contributions In Memory of Abrahim Espinoza and meals for the family

Dear Families: Thank you for all your help in making this happen for the Espinoza Family.

A fund has been established at Florence Savings Bank for those who wish to contribute to the family of Abrahim Espinoza. Checks should be made payable to:
Abrahim Espinoza Memorial Fund

Contributions can be dropped off at any Florence Savings Bank branch, the Mark’s Meadow Principal’s Office or mailed to:

Shannon Borrell
164 Montague Road
Amherst, MA 01002
Attention: Abrahim Espinoza Memorial Fund

If you would like to make a meal for the Espinoza Family please contact Alyssa Melnick,

Sympathy or condolence cards can be left in the Mark's Meadow Parent Information Room or the Main Office.

Town News / Current Events: FY10 Budget

Precinct Meeting Schedule Fall 2008 Town Meeting

Purpose: to discuss and share information about articles before the upcoming Town Meeting.

Members of Town Meeting and the public are welcome to attend any of the following meetings. If you have any questions contact the people listed below.

You are welcome at any meeting that is convenient for you, even if you don't live in that Precinct!

Precinct 1 Sunday, Nov. 2, 3:30pm at North Amherst Congregational Church Parish House, 1199 North Pleasant Street, Pat Holland, 549-1503

Precinct 2 Thurs., Nov. 6, 7-9pm at Jim Pistrang’s home, 41 High Point Drive, Jim Pistrang, 256-1737

Precinct 3 Sunday, Nov. 2, 3:30pm at North Amherst Congregational Church Parish House, 1199 North Pleasant Street, Tom Flittie, 549-1608

Precinct 4 Sun., Nov. 2, 3-5pm at 284 N. Pleasant St. (corner of McClellan), Howard Ewert, 256-1445

Precinct 5 Wed., Nov. 5, 7-9pm at Fort River Cafeteria, Harry Brooks, 256-8831 & Claude Tellier, 256-1721

Precinct 6 Wed., Nov. 5, 7-9pm at Fort River Cafeteria, Harry Brooks, 256-8831 & Claude Tellier, 256-1721

Precinct 7 Thurs., Nov. 6, 7-9pm at Crocker Farm Cafeteria, Carol Gray, 256-0433

Precinct 8 Thurs., Nov. 6, 7-9pm at Crocker Farm Cafeteria, Mary Streeter, 253-2441

Precinct 9 Wed., Oct. 29 7-9pm at Wildwood School, Rob Crowner, 253-6526

Precinct 10 Sun., Nov. 2, 3-5pm at 284 N. Pleasant St. (corner of McClellan), Howard Ewert, 256-1445

Community Voices, Budget Choices: Hard Times Ahead...What will Amherst be like in 5 years? We invite you to add your voice!

from a Fort River parent, to all members of the Mark's Meadow Community:

I am a Fort River parent and member of Amherst's Facilitation of Community Choices Committee and would like to personally invite you to attend a vital Town Forum on Thursday, October 2, 2008 at 7PM in the Town Hall. Our committee is charged with educating the public about the current budget situation in Amherst, presenting alternative scenarios for each area of our budget, and soliciting public feedback with the ultimate goal of making recommendations to the Finance Commitee and Town Meeting on a five-year budget plan. We been working for months to compile vast amounts of data so the public can make informed decisions about our budgetary future. At this meeting, you will not only be able to hear about the budget scenarios we are faced with, you will also have an opportunity to voice your opinion about what you believe is the most important direction for Amherst in the next five years.

If you cannot make the meeting (I realize it conflicts with Open House at ARHS), you can still participate in this important process. Both our presentation and our questionnaire are available on our web site at Please visit and weigh in with your opinion. The web site is also a great source of additional information on the five budget areas and on ways we might help meet our potential budget shortfalls in the future.

Additional meeting dates and times are also posted on and are continually being scheduled for the months of October and November so check back frequently for opportunities to participate in person.

[Note: families at Crocker Farm, Fort River, and the Middle School will also welcome Mark's Meadow families to presentations during their PGO meetings:
Wednesday October 8, Crocker Farm School, 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday October 15, Middle School Library, 7:30 p.m.
Thursday October 16, Fort River School, 6:30 p.m.]

We hope to hear from as many people in town as possible because these decisions affect each and every one of us, so please feel free to forward this invitation to any other members of our Amherst Community you can. Employees of the town, schools, and library who are also residents have a double stake in the process.

I hope to see you on October 2nd and to hear your thoughts via our questionnaire. If you have any questions, please contact the Committee through our web site.

Thank you!
Alison Donta-Venman

Town News / Current Events: Weather


ABC 40’s Eric Fisher to Hold Weather Forum at Amherst Town Hall

On Saturday, October 4, 2008 ABC40’s Eric Fisher will be in the Town Room at the Amherst Town Hall holding a forum on the Weather. The purpose of this forum is to meet the ABC40 staff, ask the meteorologists questions, and learn how they forecast for the area and present those forecasts to viewers.

The meeting will start at 11:00 a.m. People of all ages are encouraged to attend.

Town News / Current Events: Annual Fire Department Open House

Annual Fire Department Open House this Saturday!

The Amherst Fire Department will hold its annual Open House on Saturday, October 4th, from 10am until 3pm, at the Central Fire Station. This annual event is held in conjunction with National Fire Prevention Week.

Many Fire and EMS vehicles and other equipment will be on display, as well as presentations from other agencies. Smokey bear will also be on hand if he is not too busy fighting fires that day. Lots to see for both kids and adults. Donuts, cider, and coffee will be available.

Town News / Current Events: Annual Renewable Energy Fair

The Annual Renewable Energy Fair provides an opportunity for area residents and businesses to share information about renewable energy, conservation, and energy efficient products and services. Information booths, vendors, alternative vehicle displays and children’s activities create an educational atmosphere for the whole family.

Annual Renewable Energy FairJoin us for the 4th Annual Renewable Energy Fair!
The Amherst Energy Task Force is sponsoring the 4th Annual Renewable Energy Fair being held on the South Common on Saturday, October 4, 2008 from 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM.

Booth spaces are 10X10 and provided free of charge. There is also free parking available for participants. You must supply your own table and tent in case of inclement weather.

If you would like to reserve a booth space or participate in this event, please contact Stephanie Ciccarello by phone (413-259-3149) or Email.

Town News / Current Events: Town Meeting Vacancies

Town Meeting Vacancies

The town clerk's office is notifying residents that there are six Town Meeting vacancies spread over five precincts.

Residents interested in filling these vacancies must obtain and file nomination forms by Oct. 14 at 4:30 p.m. Forms are available at the town clerk's office at Town Hall.

Precincts 1, 2, 5, and 6 all have one vacancy, while there are two vacant seats in Precinct 9.

Those elected to the seats Nov. 4 will serve until next spring's election.

For more information, call or email the town clerk's office at 259-3035.