Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Town News / Current Events: FY10 Budget

Precinct Meeting Schedule Fall 2008 Town Meeting

Purpose: to discuss and share information about articles before the upcoming Town Meeting.

Members of Town Meeting and the public are welcome to attend any of the following meetings. If you have any questions contact the people listed below.

You are welcome at any meeting that is convenient for you, even if you don't live in that Precinct!

Precinct 1 Sunday, Nov. 2, 3:30pm at North Amherst Congregational Church Parish House, 1199 North Pleasant Street, Pat Holland, 549-1503

Precinct 2 Thurs., Nov. 6, 7-9pm at Jim Pistrang’s home, 41 High Point Drive, Jim Pistrang, 256-1737

Precinct 3 Sunday, Nov. 2, 3:30pm at North Amherst Congregational Church Parish House, 1199 North Pleasant Street, Tom Flittie, 549-1608

Precinct 4 Sun., Nov. 2, 3-5pm at 284 N. Pleasant St. (corner of McClellan), Howard Ewert, 256-1445

Precinct 5 Wed., Nov. 5, 7-9pm at Fort River Cafeteria, Harry Brooks, 256-8831 & Claude Tellier, 256-1721

Precinct 6 Wed., Nov. 5, 7-9pm at Fort River Cafeteria, Harry Brooks, 256-8831 & Claude Tellier, 256-1721

Precinct 7 Thurs., Nov. 6, 7-9pm at Crocker Farm Cafeteria, Carol Gray, 256-0433

Precinct 8 Thurs., Nov. 6, 7-9pm at Crocker Farm Cafeteria, Mary Streeter, 253-2441

Precinct 9 Wed., Oct. 29 7-9pm at Wildwood School, Rob Crowner, 253-6526

Precinct 10 Sun., Nov. 2, 3-5pm at 284 N. Pleasant St. (corner of McClellan), Howard Ewert, 256-1445

Community Voices, Budget Choices: Hard Times Ahead...What will Amherst be like in 5 years? We invite you to add your voice!

from a Fort River parent, to all members of the Mark's Meadow Community:

I am a Fort River parent and member of Amherst's Facilitation of Community Choices Committee and would like to personally invite you to attend a vital Town Forum on Thursday, October 2, 2008 at 7PM in the Town Hall. Our committee is charged with educating the public about the current budget situation in Amherst, presenting alternative scenarios for each area of our budget, and soliciting public feedback with the ultimate goal of making recommendations to the Finance Commitee and Town Meeting on a five-year budget plan. We been working for months to compile vast amounts of data so the public can make informed decisions about our budgetary future. At this meeting, you will not only be able to hear about the budget scenarios we are faced with, you will also have an opportunity to voice your opinion about what you believe is the most important direction for Amherst in the next five years.

If you cannot make the meeting (I realize it conflicts with Open House at ARHS), you can still participate in this important process. Both our presentation and our questionnaire are available on our web site at Please visit and weigh in with your opinion. The web site is also a great source of additional information on the five budget areas and on ways we might help meet our potential budget shortfalls in the future.

Additional meeting dates and times are also posted on and are continually being scheduled for the months of October and November so check back frequently for opportunities to participate in person.

[Note: families at Crocker Farm, Fort River, and the Middle School will also welcome Mark's Meadow families to presentations during their PGO meetings:
Wednesday October 8, Crocker Farm School, 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday October 15, Middle School Library, 7:30 p.m.
Thursday October 16, Fort River School, 6:30 p.m.]

We hope to hear from as many people in town as possible because these decisions affect each and every one of us, so please feel free to forward this invitation to any other members of our Amherst Community you can. Employees of the town, schools, and library who are also residents have a double stake in the process.

I hope to see you on October 2nd and to hear your thoughts via our questionnaire. If you have any questions, please contact the Committee through our web site.

Thank you!
Alison Donta-Venman

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