Sunday, August 12, 2007


Upcoming Events:


Tuesday, June 1st, K and 1st Graders visit Wildwood.

, June 3rd Tile Project Dedication, 5 PM

Tuesday June 8th, 3rd Grade Play 2:30 PM and 7 PM

Wednesday June 9th, Staff Appreciation Luncheon

Friday June 11th, 6th Grade UN Trip to NYC

Saturday June 12th, Celebrate Mark's Meadow Alumni Event

Monday June 14th, Field Day

Tuesday June 15th, 6th grade Graduation Day

Wednesday June 16th, End of the Year Picnic

Thursday June 17th, Rain day End of the Year Picnic

Thursday June 17th, LAST DAY OF SCHOOL 1:20 PM RELEASE (Note this changed just last week due to the school closing after the thunderstorm.)


Alisa V. Brewer said...

Please add the MM PGG's Used Children's Book Sale on Saturday September 8th from 9-1 on the Common.

Proceeds used to buy books for the MM Library.

Questions or want to help? Sarah or Lisa


Anonymous said...

Please update the information regarding the Diversity Committee meeting. The location will be held in the auditorium at MM not at the High school library.

Thank you