Monday, March 30, 2009


Please don't forget that the Amherst Town Election is this Tuesday, March 31st. Three candidates are vying for the two open seats on the Amherst School Committee. Given the dire budget outlook for the schools, this election will prove to be very important for the future of our schools. PLEASE GET OUT AND VOTE !! Turnout is expected to be quite low, and candidates can win or lose by a few votes, so it is especially important for parents of kids in the schools to let their voices be heard!

Polls are open from 7am-8pm. Please click here for official town
information on polling locations and to see facsimile ballots.

Statements from the Candidates for School Committee:


The Amherst schools face a budget deficit that threatens the very mission of our school system. This year’s budget deficit is part of an overall structural budget deficit that has largely been ignored in past years. We must as a school system dedicate ourselves to eliminating this structural budget deficit so that the schools can have a period of fiscal stability for five years. In order to do this we must have a plan that does not rely upon just one thing to close the budget gap, but relies instead upon a systematic examination of all areas of the budget and a community engagement process in this examination. This examination must include closing of Marks Meadow School, reopening contracts with school employees, redistricting, moving the sixth grade to the middle school, health care costs, increasing revenue, special education costs and administrative costs. Once the examination is concluded a plan would be crafted so that it could be implemented in school year 2010-2011. The guiding principles of the plan would be equity, excellence, community engagement and fiscal stability for five years. We all must support a system that looks at what is right rather then who is right.


I have a daughter at Fort River and a son excited to join her at the school next year. I believe that my experience as an education economist and my active involvement in the Amherst Public Schools, including attendance at virtually every School Committee meeting during the past two years, provide me with the knowledge and skills to help our schools during these difficult economic times.

The School Committee must work to fulfill Amherst’s commitment to social justice by intellectually engaging and supporting every child every day. To do so, we must provide a strong voice and the necessary resources in support of disadvantaged children. We also must set high expectations for all students and our teachers and administrators. In order to provide the best possible education, it is essential that we maintain a strong commit-ment to evaluating our programs and using evidence to make decisions. Although disagreement and challenging questions may seem divisive to some, I believe that open and respectful debate is a key to making good decisions. Discussion and disagreements can actually foster collegiality and trust by enabling all voices to be heard. We must also recognize that time does not stand still and that unwillingness to make difficult choices harms the very children we work to serve.

Thank you for your consideration—I hope I can count on your support on Tuesday, March 31.


Inequity and insufficient funding are challenges that our schools are facing. Many people aren’t being heard or feel un-empowered within the community. Every decision should benefit every child and resident. We must demonstrate thoughtfulness to children; plan long-term goals; consider multiple solutions for complex problems; plan for educational excellence; determine how to enrich our schools further. We should observe every school for it’s strengths and replicate them district-wide. Amherst is a strong community; we must work together to improve the experience for all children; experience that fosters a 21st Century child that the Town of Amherst can be proud of. Please read my website for a full understanding of what I would like to accomplish by being a member of the School Committee.
I am a graduate of the Amherst Schools and this fall will have three children attending them. I am currently the co-chair of Mark’s Meadow PGG, as well as a member of the School Governance Council and Diversity Committee. I was also a member of the Amherst Schools Organization Committee. I am truly dedicated to all children’s success in this town and would appreciate your vote to help me succeed with this challenge.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Lobbying our state legislators to restore funds

The Regional School Committee is asking for our help in lobbying our state legislators to restore funds to the school district which are used for transportation expenses. Given the dire budget outlook for the Middle and High schools, any funds that can be directed to our regional school district are crucial. Please take a look and contact our state officials. Thanks!

From the website:

At their March 24th meeting, the Regional School Committee voted unanimously to develop a statement for use in lobbying our legislators regarding restoration of regional transportation reimbursement. Staff, parents, and community members, are encouraged to contact our state legislators by phone and email about this issue. The following text that can be used as a script:

"As you know, the Governor’s Budget (House One) included cuts to Regional transportation reimbursement. Now that the initial distribution of fiscal stabilization funds has been used to increase all districts in the Commonwealth to foundation levels, I encourage the legislature to use a portion of the remaining stabilization funds to make whole the cuts to Regional transportation. Cuts to transportation reimbursement equal cuts to the classroom because transportation costs must be borne by the district in one way or another. In addition, these cuts are particularly problematic as local districts are being encouraged by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to explore the possibility of regionalization. Thank you for your continued support of our schools. "

Contact information for our legislators can be found on the district website at .

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Diversity Committee's Open Discussion Evening Event

The Mark’s Meadow Diversity Committee invites all Mark’s Meadow
community members to
Open Discussion Evening Event
Mark’s Meadow Auditorium
Wednesday, March 25 from 6:30-8:00
Join your fellow parents/guardians for excerpts from the PBS series
“Race- The Power of Illusion” and discussion regarding diversity
related concerns.
This forum is intended for adults only. Childcare will be provided.
Refreshments will be served.
What is Race? Is Race for real? We all know that people look different,
but are these differences racial? What does race mean? Race is a modern idea. It has no genetic basis. There's less - and more - to race than meets the eye.
Please join us to discuss and reflect upon how this issue impacts your child's experience at MM.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

School Committee Candiates

There will be a town-wide election on Tuesday 3/31. Two seats on the School Committee are up for grabs between three candidates. The School Committee creates the policies and budgets for all of our Amherst schools. It's important that parents get to know these candidates and get out and vote!

Here are the candidate's websites:
Irv Rhodes
Steve Rivkin
Meg Rosa

And plan to attend the League of Women Voters Candidate Forum at the Middle School on March 18th (we'll let you know the time when we find out!). It'll be filmed by ACTV in case you can't get there.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Diversity Committee Open Discussion Night

The Diversity Committee’s Open Discussion Night date has been changed to Wednesday March 25th from 6:30 – 8:00. A video will be shown in the school auditorium followed by group discussion regarding diversity at Marks Meadow. Childcare and refreshments will be available. Please join us in sharing your thoughts, ideas and concerns about diversity at our school!

Monday, March 2, 2009


NO SCHOOL TODAY due to weather.
Monday March 2nd is RESCHEDULED for March 9th 6:30 PM to 8 PM.

New 2009-2010 Superintendent.
The Districts choice for Superintendent is being made. As far as we know this meeting is still on. The Regional School Committee will hold a special meeting on Monday, March 2, at 7:30 for the sole purpose of choosing a Superintendent of Schools. The meeting will be held in the high school library and is open to the public.

You can see the interviews of these three candidates on ACTV

New interim superintendent named February 27th, 2009: See Announcement here.

at the High School cafeteria
1. Welcome
· A. Call to Order
· B. Agenda Review
· C. Minutes—February 10, 2009
2. Announcements and Public Comment
3. Superintendent’s Update
4. Reports
5. Unfinished/Continuing Business
· FY10 Budget Components Update
° Stimulus package/state aid status
° "Non-cut" options for closing a budget gap
° Data and logistics on two "close Marks Meadow" options
° Cuts list without instrumental music
° Class size impact of teacher cuts
° Costs of providing various programs/supports
° Budget timeline
School Committee discussion of budget options
6. New Business
7. Policies
8. School Committee Planning
· A. Calendar review
· B. Items for upcoming
· C. Sub-committee reports
9. Adjournment