Saturday, September 29, 2007

Read-a-thon and Used Book Sale!

Thank you!!!!
When the budget for books for the Mark’s Meadow library was slashed by 75% in the last two years, Mark’s Meadow families rose to the occasion. Thank you for showing your support for the library by participating in two amazing fundraisers.

Mark’s Meadow Summer

This was the first year we attempted a Read-a-thon on such a large scale and the
response was overwhelming! 53 children participated in this year’s Read-a-thon by
recording their summer reading and collecting pledges for books read. The checks are still coming in, but so far an amazing $2,738 has been raised for the library! Thanks to the
students, families, teachers, friends and neighbors who participated.

A huge thanks is due to Valerie Young who coordinated this event and spent countless hours
planning, creating the reading packets, and soliciting donations for the gift bags. You did a
tremendous job, Valerie! Thanks are also due to:
Cowles Lumber Kimberley Broderick Stephen, Kalle and Steele Young
Wilburn Chiropractic UMass Bookstore Regaldi and Walder Orthodontics
Mark’s Meadow PGG Heather Ford

Mark’s Meadow Fall 2007
Used Book Sale!

Another fundraising success for the library! $909 was raised over
two weekends in September by selling your generous book
donations on the Amherst common and again in front of
WholeFoods Market.

A special thanks to Lisa Cyr and Sarah Stookey for
co-chairing this event. Their good energy and enthusiasm to stage the sale TWICE in two locations with lots of traffic really made a difference!
Thanks to the following people for pricing books, moving books, and selling books:
Joe Swartz Valerie Young Christine Grey-Mullen
Sarah Swartz Zulma Rivera Elena Valenzuela-Stookey
Heather Ford Eunsook Lee Catherine Stryker
Ok Hyun Cho Katie Winston Tracy and Kate Hightower
The extended Cyr and Flueckiger families (ALL of them!)

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