Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Parent Gaurdian Group (PGG) Minutes

Mark’s Meadow Parent Guardian Group (PGG)
Purpose: Monthly Meeting
Date: Monday, January 5, 2009
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Venue: Marks Meadow Library
Co-Chairs: Meg Rosa and Tracy Hightower
Secretary: Katie Schendel, Treasurer: Stephanie Burbine

In attendance: Tracy hightower, Meg Rosa, Nick Yaffe, Katie Schendel, Stephanie Burbine, Ana Paranhos, Adrian Durlester, Prentiss Austin, Daniel Kramer, Deborah Timberlake, Shannon Borrell, Alvie Borrell, Val Cooley, Lori Goldner, Derek Shea, Jean Kosha

Introductions: Round table introductions and greetings
AmherstopolyUpdate: Presenter: T. Hightower:
Amherstopoly, have sold $4000 worth of property, Have four weeks left to sell property.
Update on Brown Envelope: Presenter: T. Hightower:
Have raised $1700. Includes $755 posted online from AEF not yet received. Have until January 30th to reach goal of 2500
Financial Report: Presenter: S. Burbine:
Stephanie handed out report on expenditures and revenue.
Passive Fund Raising Update: Presenter: T. Hightower:
Idea of setting up in Stop n Shop discussed to register shoppers (highschool did this)
Atkins is expanding to all schools, not just Wildwood and Marks Meadow
Big Y points can be redeemed for items in catalog
Debbie Timberlake reported $80 from Box Tops
Funding Requests: Presenter: T. Hightower
Math Carnival: $150.00 approved. Will cover prizes and renting of popcorn machine.
Community Breakfast: $250.00 approved
Families in need: $500.00 approved via e-mail.
Volunteer Forms: Presenter: T. Hightower
5 forms returned, will send out reminder, Tracy will work with Ana to follow-up on forms
Yearbook Volunteer: Presenter: T. Hightower
Need someone to organize, Ana Paranhos would be in charge of Photos.
Recycling Date: Presenter: T. Hightower
Saturday, 24 at 10-1:00
Diversity Committee Update: Presenter: N. Yaffe
Possibly creating parent event as offshoot of workshop that staff attended
Nick’s Report: Presenter: N. Yaffe
Assembly this Friday the 9th
Possibly reintroducing helping hands, Community Service Idea
Inauguration Day, possibly showing inauguration in auditorium
Modular Classroom will be used as project room
New after school clubs starting-“Thinking Games” Club, Lego Creations Club
Registered four new students this month
Parking, spoke to UMass, no tickets during pick-up and drop-off
Concerns expressed over pick-up and drop-off safety, some students being dropped off in middle of parking lot. Procedures will be reviewed.
Reorganization of Schools: Presenters: Jean Kosha and Derek Shea
Several views expressed. Some sought clarification of time frame, would restructuring occur next year, and others wanted to know if other alternatives to the ones could be explored.
Derek and Jean stressed that no decisions have been made.
For more information, please attend School Committee meeting January 13 at High school, 7:00

Next Meeting, February 2 2009, at 6:30
Meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.
Meeting minutes submitted by: Katie Schendel, PGG Secretary


Mark’s Meadow Parent Guardian Group (PGG)

Purpose: Monthly Meeting
Date: Monday, December 1, 2008
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Venue: Marks Meadow Library
Co-Chairs: Meg Rosa and Tracy Hightower
Secretary: Katie Schendel, Treasurer: Stephanie Burbine

In attendance: Meg Rosa, Nick Yaffe, Katie Schendel, Stephanie Burbine, Ana Paranhos, Trevor Morris, Prentiss Austin, Sarah Kinney, Alvero Borrell, Stacia Ferro, Donna Stetson, Jarrett Saunders

Introductions: Round table introductions and greetings
Thanksgiving Feast Debriefing: Presenter: Meg Rosa and Ana Paranhos
Comments: Huge amount of clean-up-Need Better System.
Maybe Buffet Style-may alleviate seating issue.
More oversight of kids
People wanted to eat the food they had prepared,
Broader Introduction, Agenda Needed, Give a General Thanks at the beginning.
Leadership Roles: Presenter: Meg Rosa
Only two classrooms have Room Parents. Include Room Parent in the Volunteer Form.
Recycling: Lynn Wientraub Heather David and Nina Brand have volunteered to help. Need someone to follow shipping.
Passive Fund Raiser Update: Presenter: Meg Rosa
Need someone to oversee and track passive fundraising efforts. (Donna Stetson volunteered during discussion).
Debbie Timberlake doing Box Tops
Amherstopoloy Update: Presenter: Meg Rosa
Will get sponsor to pay for production of game.
Would sell games at $20 per game.
Funding Request: $100 approved for cost of mailing.
Principal Update: Presenter: Nick Yaffe
Community Breakfast-January 12
Teachers and Staff are attending Diversity Workshops
Basketball to start in January
Financial Report: Presenter: Stephanie Burbine
Stephanie has created a Funding Request Form
Handed out Financial Report on PGG.
Math Games: Presenter: Alvero Burrell
January 28th
Ten Tables, Need help
Next Meeting, January 5, 2009, at 6:00
Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Meeting minutes submitted by: Katie Schendel, PGG Secretary

Mark’s Meadow Parent Guardian Group (PGG)

Purpose: Monthly Meeting
Date:Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Venue: North Village
Co-Chairs: Meg Rosa and Tracy Hightower
Secretary: Katie Schendel, Treasurer: Stephanie Burbine

In attendance: Tracy Hightower, Celine Dassatti Meg Rosa, Nick Yaffe, Katie Schendel, Stephanie Burbine, Ana Paranhos, Linda Gianesin, Shannon Borrell, Jean Kosha

Introductions: Round table introductions and greetings.

Brown Envelope Fun Raiser: Presenter: Celine Dassatti
Suggestions included: Putting large envelope in Office, Penny War, Have visual to measure progress, Try to track number of families (might be difficult to do). Start date in Early December. A Backpack reminder will be sent out in January. Ends by January 31st.

Recycling Update: Presenter: Tracy Hightower
Looking for leader to take on administration of efforts. Try to do four times per year.
Passive Fund Raiser Update: Presenter: Meg Rosa
33 sign-ups for Stop n Shop (Already earned $88.00)
Big Y has earned 36,400 Points
Target has earned $40.00
Don’t need to show card at Atkins, they have a generic at the checkout. This will change in January.

Amherst for Education Shopping Day: Presenter: Tracy Hightower
Tracy met with Wildwood Crocker Farm and Chamber of Commerce. Waiting to hear back from Chamber of Commerce. Proceeds would go to Amherst Education Foundation.

SGC Update: Presenter: Nick Yaffe
Looking at Safety Issues. Trying to get people to sign in when they enter the building. Conducted Safety walk with UMass Police. Safety Plan posted in every room. Drill in Place.

Principal Update: Presenter: Nick Yaffe
Community Breakfast-January 12
Rock n Read March 2nd
Multicultural Fair April or May
Title 1 Event (Maybe Math Night)
Math Plan: _ of Professional Development will be on Math.
Racism Workshop, 3 afternoons on “Undoing Racism”
Thanksgiving Feast Update: Presenter: Ana
45 Families have thus signed up
PGG will supply paper goods as much as $200
$150 to for approved for Art Supplies,

Other: Shannon Borrell handed over documentation on Espinoza Family Fundraising. Her efforts and help were noted.

Second Step Presentation: Linda Gianesin showed video on the basics of the Second Step Dispute Resolution Method that is being used at Marks Meadow. She would like to offer a series of Workshops for Parents. Discussed four or six weekly workshops in January.

Next Meeting, December 1, 2008, at 6:00
Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Meeting minutes submitted by: Katie Schendel, PGG Secretary

Mark’s Meadow Parent Guardian Group (PGG)
Purpose: Monthly Meeting
Date: Tuesday, October 6th, 2008
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Venue: Marks Meadow Library
Co-Chairs: Meg Rosa and Tracy Hightower
Secretary: Katie Schendel, Treasurer: Stephanie Burbine

In attendance: Ana Paranhos, T. Hightower, D. Kramer, Donna Stetson, M. Rosa, N. Yaffe, A. Melnick, K. Schendel, Stephanie Burbine, Celine Dassatti, Valerie Cooley

Introductions: Round table introductions and greetings
Passive Fundraiser: Presenter: Meg Rosa
♦ Looking for someone who will oversee passive fundraising efforts.
♦ Making sure all parents enrolled.
Other schools’ PTO’s Report: Presenter: Tracy Hightower.
♦ Tracy met with parents of PGGs at other schools; they discussed the possibility of an Amherst Education Day when a percentage of profits from area businesses go to schools.
Parent Information Room: Presenter: Tracy Hightower
♦ Now clean thanks to Christine Gray-Mullen, Meg Rosa
♦ Contains informaton of passive fund raising, camps and room activities.
Class Directory: Presenter: Tracy Hightower
♦ Approved printing of Directory and funds --$100
Financial Report: Presenter: S. Burbine
♦ Reimbursement to Tracy for stickers
♦ $500. for Espinoza Memorial Fund Approved
♦ Received check for Diversity Committee, must be used by February; Stephanie will come up with protocol for funding request for use of grant award.
Volunteerism: Open Conversation
♦ Looking for Volunteer Coordinator
♦ Celine will be 3rd Grade Room Parent.
♦ Raffle will be held to encourage parents to return volunteer form (those who return have opportunity to win raffle.)
Recycling update: Presenter: Tracy Hightower
♦ Not as many places taking certain cartridges. Tracy would like someone to take over.
Open conversation Annual Fundraiser:
♦ Brown Envelope needs to be earlier. (Who was interested in running this?)
♦ ACH forms may not be cost effective because of fee charged.
Thanksgiving Feast: Presenter: Ana Thomas
♦ November 14th. Need to have all contribute.
♦ Meg, Tracy, and Ana will meet to discuss.
Espinoza Family, how we can help: Presenter: A. Melnick
♦ Family has asked if dinners could be dropped off
♦ Dinners would be dropped at Timberlake/Kramer house 180 Summer
♦ One person would deliver.
♦ Discussed possibility of delivering groceries, Katie and Celine would shop.
Principal’s Report: Presenter: Nick Yaffe
♦ Second Step Workshops will be held at North Village, Wednesday, November 5th at 6:00 along with the PGG Meeting.

Meetings Set for First Monday of every month except November. ( see above), December 1, January 5, February 2, April 6, May 4, June 1,
Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Meeting minutes submitted by: Katie Schendel, PGG Secretary


Mark’s Meadow Parent Guardian Group (PGG)

Purpose: Monthly Meeting
Date: Tuesday, September 16 2008
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Venue: Marks Meadow Library
Co-Chairs: Meg Rosa and Tracy Hightower
Secretary: Katie Schendel, Treasurer: Stephanie Burbine

In attendance: D. Timberlake, T. Hightower, D. Kramer, L. Luciano-Burnett, M. Rosa, N. Yaffe, A. Melnick, K. Schendel, Stephanie Burbine S. Borrell, D. Stetson, L.Gayle-Brissett, N. Brisett, I. Varhromeera, A. Melnick, A. Paranhos, L. Wilkerson, C. Baily, N. Yaffe

Introductions: Round table introductions and greetings
Financial Report : Presenter: S. Burbine
♦ Current balance in PGG account is $7838.36.
♦ Dan Kramer handed over PGG Bank Statements from previous year to S. Burbine. The previous account will be closed and Stephanie will be opening a new account with $7000. (Some checks have not been cashed and from old account, thus the necessity of keeping out $838.36. Stephanie will follow up with those who have not chased checks.)
Principal Report: Presenter Nick Yaffe
♦ 50 new students this year, 22 K, 28 spread out Grades 1-6
♦ Modular Building will be installed within two months.
♦ Parent Handbook revised over summer, now includes a piece on internet
♦ Curriculum Night on the 24th.
Funding Request: Presenter: T. Hightower
♦ Nick requested funding for Sixth Grade Trip to Morris Hill ($700-800). Two sixth grade classes this year. There is enough in NIck’s Gift account for the cost of one class. Funding approved, along with push for fund raising by Sixth Grade to support costs.
♦ Request funds for $85 dollars to pay for stickers from Copy Cat to put on Parent’s Credit/Debit cards. The sticker says “Remember Mark’s Meadow”. Approved
♦ Tracy requested the purchased of Quicken (upwards of $100 approved) for incoming Treasurer. Approved.
Curriculum Night: Presenter: T. Hightower
♦ Discussion of ways to encourage parents to sign up as volunteers for events during Curriculum night.
♦ Tables will be set up outside classrooms to solicit parent participation.
Superintendent Search Report: T. Hightower
♦ Open meetings being held; Looking for right fit.
SGC Nominations: T. Hightower
♦ Looking to fill positions of one parent and one community member for Committee. Taking nominations.
Fund Raising: M. Rosa
♦ Passive Fund Raising—Big Y, Stop n Shop, Atkins are just some of merchants who are participating.
♦ Discussion of Recycling, Brown Envelope, Volunteerism tabled until next meeting.
Blog Spot: Presenter: T. Hightower
♦ What is included:
Community Activities
MM News
Teachers’ Wish List
Not a discussion Blog
Goals for PGG: Presenter: T. Hightower
♦ Possible Events-Fall Festival, Carnival (Will continue discussion next meeting).
♦ Confirmed Events-Community Breakfast, Multicultural Fair, Rock n Read
Next Meeting:
Monday, October 6 2008 6:00 p.m. Mark's Meadow Library
Agenda Items will include:
♦ Discussion of Recycling, Brown Envelope, Volunteerism
♦ Possible Fall Festival or Carnival
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Meeting minutes submitted by: Katie Schendel, PGG Secretary


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