Friday, November 9, 2007

SGC Meeting Minutes

Mark’s Meadow SGC Meeting Minutes for January 21, 2009
Nick Yaffe’s office


Nick Yaffe: school principal
Theresa Chehade: ELL teacher and staff SGC member
Jocelyn Cuffee: SGC parent
Meg Rosa: SGC parent, PGG co-chair
Christine Gray-Mullen: SGC parent
Tracy Hightower: MM parent, PGG co-chair

Update on Amherst Elementary Schools
Earlier in the day, Nick attended a meeting with other principals, School Committee, Regional School Committee, and interim Superintendent. Summary: 3 tier cut plan proposed with different options including closing of MM, pairing of schools and 5/6 school. All waiting for budget numbers from the State that should be coming soon. Superintendent search continues to move ahead. Teachers would be the ones to approach the Union for any contract negotiations or changes.

Tracy Hightower presented a Letter to the School Committee with 9 points that will be sent in the next week or two. This Letter was written by a small group of concerned Mark’s Meadow parents. Also suggested that all concerned parents attend the next School Committee meeting on February 10, 2009 at HS.

Mark’s Meadow Blog: To remain as unbiased as possible. Links provided to other blogs and articles for information only.

Concerns raised about worried students, misinformation and teacher’s message to students concerning current school budget situation. A positive and supportive message is needed to the students. Nick to speak with teachers. Nick will write letter to parents in January newsletter.

SIP- Nick proposed for SGC to focus on what MM is doing right and what the school could be.

Next SGC meeting: Wednesday, February 25, 2009 at 2:45 p.m. in Nick’s office.

Minutes prepared by C.A. Gray-Mullen

SGC Meeting Minutes from November 19, 2008 4-5pm

Attendees: Nick Yaffe, Tracy Hightower, Meg Rosa, Therese Chehade,
Christine Gray-Mullen, Shannon Borrell, Melena
Minute Taker: Christine Gray-Mullen

Next Meeting: December 17, 2008 @ 2:45pm in Nick’s office

1.) SCG Election
a. Nick to solicit 2nd teacher volunteer for SGC
b. Ballot for Shannon Borrell
c. Shannon will respond to Nick by Friday with her decision

2.) PGG Update
a. Thanksgiving dinner a success
b. Next meeting: bring a friend 12/1
c. Fundraiser- brown envelope going out
d. Volunteer signup form going out

3.) Safety issues
a. Tracy and Christine to list questions for David Sloven

4.) Reconfiguration of School for next academic year
a. Many unknowns
b. Depends on next years budget

5.) SIP
a. Data Gathering?
i. Other examples of SIP from other schools – Nick will provide
ii. Surveys from Crocker and Fort River – Nick will provide
iii. What is a high achieving school?
iv. All counsel members to come up with 5 pros and 5 cons

Agenda for 12/17 meeting
School Survey
Parking Lot rules

Mark’s Meadow SGC Minutes
September 22, 2008
Monday, 2:30 to 4pm
Nick Yaffe’s office
Minutes prepared by: Christine Gray-Mullen

In Attendance: Nick Yaffe, Tracy Hightower, Meg Rosa, Therese Chehade, Christine Gray-Mullen, Jocelyn Cuffee

1. Introductions and Discussion concerning additional members:
ß Two new members to the Council (Christine Gray-Mullen and Jocelyn Cuffee).
ß Additional Parent Member needed. One parent was nominated and Tracy Hightower will contact her.
ß Committee Member needed. Meg Rosa to ask retired teacher who is neighbor. Nick Yaffe to contact the UMASS Dept. of Education
ß Additional Staff Member needed. Nick Yaffe will request volunteer at next staff meeting.
ß Tracy Hightower is no longer a member but plans on regularly attending SGC meetings for continued interaction with PGG.
2. Previous meeting’s minutes approved
3. Upcoming Meetings
ß SGC meeting day and time agreed to Wednesdays from 2:30 to 4 pm
ß ‘08-‘09 School Year Meetings:
October 22, 2008
November 19, 2008
December 17, 2008
January 21, 2009
February 25, 2009
March 25, 2009
April 29, 2009
May 27, 2009
June TBA
ß Each meeting will have an agenda and rolling Timekeeper and Notetaker
ß Jocelyn Cuffee and Christine Gray-Mullen will alternate meetings as Co-Chairs to assist Nick Yaffe with agenda preparation and other duties as assigned
4. Open Forum Discussion
ß Currently 190 students at Mark Meadow. 50 students new to school.
ß Nick Yaffe encouraged Council to act as liaisons for parents to voice concerns and bring issues up for discussion
ß Discussed potential parent questionnaire for SIP
ß New trailer to be completed in November
ß Nick Yaffe will be announcing Mark’s Meadow MCAS results at next day assembly.
ß PGG considering sponsorship of parent workshop relating to Second Step program
ß Diversity Committee obtained a $4,250 grant for teacher diversity training
5. Review of current SIP
ß Nick Yaffe encouraged member to read and ponder SIP for next meeting discussion. Ongoing improvement.

Next Meeting:
October 22, 2008
Wednesday, 2:30 – 4pm
Nick Yaffe’s office
Preliminary Agenda:

a. Christine Gray-Mullen Co-Chair, Jocelyn Cuffee Notetaker, Assign Timekeeper
b. New Council Members
c. Emergency Safety Plan to be published on district website.
d. Mark’s Meadow Entrance Safety
e. Dress Code Issues
f. SIP improvements and questionnaire
g. New Families Reach Out Plan


PGG/SGC Meeting 2/5/08: Marks Meadow Library 6:30 to 8:00 PM

Presenters: Nick Yaffe and Tracy Hightower
SGC members present were: Patty Roper, Kent Divoli, Therese Chehade, & Meg Rosa

About 30 families were represented.

Intro and welcome from Nick. Why we are here is our school improvement plan and some thoughts about what we value in Mark’s Meadow and where we want to be.

Broke into groups by tables to discuss three questions. [I didn’t write down the questions]
Feedback from the groups overlapped but here is what I was able to get:
  • Value for our children academic skills, social skills, love of school
  • Want them to be prepared for next grade
  • Challenge kids at all levels
  • Like projects that allow for individualization – math curriculum does not seem to afford this
  • Like to have space for enrichment – academically and in the arts
  • Like to see some more sharing among teachers – especially around different learning styles of children in the school
  • Like the diverse and international population
  • Like the open door policy
  • Some liked the small school but others felt the school was a bit too small
  • Work on respect and courtesy with children for peers and adults
  • Assist with empowerment and identity – gender mentioned specifically
  • Like to see more community service/community connections like the Arbors project Sue Viegard does
  • Like to see gender issues in afterschool basketball addressed
  • Recognize the arts are very important – art as much as music
  • Improve on the arts program (or at least don’t cut more)
  • Technology and PE cut – also very important

School Improvement Plan specific

Teaching and Learning
  • More technology integration in the classrooms – not see it as a ‘special’ that gets cut
  • Student safety, personal health, diet and exercise (gets to PE being cut)
  • Social justice and anti bias
  • Problem solving – like to see role play but make the edges ‘hazier’ or more real world so not so clear what the best way is. One parent remarked on the ‘boredom’ her child feels because things so clear cut it is not interesting.

Belonging and caring
  • Overlap with social justice/anti bias
  • Arts here too because children have many talents and also arts may be one thing keeping child interested in school
  • Modeling behavior by teachers and administration with each other and with students
  • Bring back the community breakfast

Connections to the community
  • We have a wealth of talent and skills in community – get some of those people to volunteer in the school – not just parents but perhaps reach out to retirement community
  • Getting involved in PGG
  • New families – what can we do to forge connections between families as well as the students
At this point running out of time, so PGG update. Please see PGG Minutes.

Mark’s Meadow SGC
January 31, 2008

In Attendance: Nick Yaffe, Tracy Hightower, Meg Rosa, Kent Divoll, Susanne Michel, Therese Chehade

1. Review agenda, assign secretary

2. Open Forum Discussion

The SGC/PGG Open Forum is scheduled for Tuesday, February 5th from 6:30-8:00.

A discussion ensued about the best format for the event. One idea suggested by Patty was to:
1. Distribute a School Improvement “Plan in Brief” to those in attendance
2. Conduct a quick survey: Who knew the School Improvement Plan was in the
Family Handbook?
3. Have a comments phase during which parents could weigh in on each part of the plan- “Here’s the Plan. . . What do you Think?

Nick mentioned a recent forum that the Superintendent had conducted during which small groups of parents provided feedback on specific questions. We talked about what that would look like at our Open Forum. It was decided that opening with bigger, broader hopes and dreams questions was preferable. We want to see what people feel really strongly about.
1. What do you value in an elementary school for your children
2. What are your hopes?
3. What is your mission?
This would be discussed in small groups and then shared out to the larger group. Then we would circle back to “each year we write a School Improvement Plan.”

Ken asked the question “How can these values (that parents express) be incorporated into the SIP?”. We can say either, “Here’s what we have so far” or “What do you think?”.

It was decided to present three strands of the SIP at the Forum.
1. Teaching/Learning
2. Safe/Caring Environment
3. Connection the Community

The following timeline/agenda was decided upon.

1. (5 minutes) Introduction
2. (15 minutes) Small Grp./Share Out Discussions on Core Value Qx. (see above)
3. (15 minutes) Small Grp./Share Out Discussions on Teaching/Learning
4. (15 minutes) Small Grp./Share Out Discussions on Safe/Caring Environment
5. (5 minutes) Connection the Community/Communication

Ending the SGC portion with the Home/School Piece provides a nice segway to PGG. “This is one way PGG/SGC intersect.”

Topics to cover in the PGG portion of the Forum include:
1. Parent Workshops you’d like to attend?
2. What could we do to better encourage people to participate/volunteer in community events?
3. Do you like the structure of the PGG?
4. Is there a better way we can communicate between home & school?
5. What works for you to be involved in the school?

Desserts and coffee/tea will be provided at the event.

2. Mixed Grade Classrooms Survey Discussion

Edits/changes made include:
1. #3 Change “you” to “your”
2. #4 & #5 strike the word “any”
3. #6 Change “If not, how could we do a better job?” to “If not, how can we be more effective at communicating the process?”
4. Strike #7

Nick will write the introduction to survey.

3. Budget Updates

-Nick informed us that Jere Hochman will hold a Town Forum on 2/11.
-Tracy brought up the article in the Bulletin about the relationship Williams College has to the town of Williamstown. Could Amherst College play a similar role in -Amherst? -Nick expressed that the budget situation is pretty serious, especially at the elementary level.
- Nick believes that Mark’s Meadow needs to grow in order to be “viable,” not to shrink. He will keep advocating for what we all want here.

4. Assorted Items

The Diversity Committee is planning a movie/forum/discussion. Nick is promoting the idea of how to talk about stereotypes and predjudices with your kids. Kids bring home difficult questions. It can be hard for parents to know how to respond.

Nick also brought up the idea of a family event focused on the internet and kids. He referenced a Frontline special that the school is looking into purchasing which does a super job at addressing this topic. It shows where elementary school students are heading in regard to the internet

Mark’s Meadow School Governance Council
December 7, 2007

Present: Nick Yaffe, Patty O’Brien, Tracy Hightower, Meg Rosa, Therese Chehade, Suzanne Michel, Kent Divoll

1. Review agenda, assign timekeeper and note taker.

2. Social Justice Update – Nick reviewed the activities that staff engaged in on the most recent curriculum day. The day focused on social justice with a big picture perspective about the school, including, parents, kids, teachers and communities. He pointed out that one of the main premises was the general understanding that kids learn by talking, thinking and sharing ideas rather than by adults saying that something is “right” or “wrong.” If an issue arises, it is dealt with at the appropriate developmental level. In addition to the activities of the day, there was a reflection piece which focused on what the staff is doing well, where they can improve and what they can add.

3. How to facilitate connections to our community – In reviewing the previous minutes, Nick is contemplating ways the PGG and SGC can work together to further connections to the community. 4 things were discussed in looking at this year:

a. Parent Workshop(s) – We discussed (1) whether the attendance was worth the effort and (2) needing to determine how many to offer, what to offer and how. The workshop “Parenting from the Heart” had 35 attendees. At Tracy’s suggestion, we discussed bringing in a developmental optometrist to speak to parents of kids with learning issues. The special education department has expressed some interest in this idea. We discussed speaking to Bev on the issue of whether the staff can take this on, and discussed inviting parents from other schools in an effort to take a leadership role in providing meaningful topics to parents. A stipend would be provided to the speaker. Another idea was to offer a workshop on computers and advocating for applications that are useful for educational purposes and what parents should look out for. We also discussed whether there was merit to surveying parents on what topics would be of interest.
b. Welcoming Committee – we discussed trying to draw from volunteer base to continue to have a group to continue the welcoming activities.
c. Volunteers update – volunteerism continues to be an issue especially in the upper grade classrooms. Many of the room parents are new to the school. The more “popular” volunteer activities are: field trips, classroom support, library and office help and all school events. Soliciting volunteers for fundraising activities is especially difficult. So far, 25 families out of 138 have turned in their forms. We discussed the idea of bringing the PGG meeting to the community (for example, the community room at North Village) as a way to increase participation.
d. SGC parent representatives – determine how we can solicit input for priorities and next steps for the school improvement plan. We agreed that the SGC would attend the January PGG meeting on the 8th to discuss the relevant sections of the School Improvement Plan. We will try to solicit input about interest in parent coffee hours and fireplace chats.

4. Budget Timeline, modulars and projected enrollments.

a. We agreed that at a future meeting we will review the Mark’s Meadow specific budget. Nick explained that currently the district is the Phase I of budget planning. He has been asked to provide a list of things we do not need. Given the current realities, this is a difficult task. This is an information gathering phase. The town is asking for a 2% increase. In an annual budget review, if cuts are required it generally starts with resources that are furthest away from the student.

b. This school year there were 32 kindergarteners enrolled to go to Mark’s Meadow. 10 had to be sent to Fort River. Money for modulars has been approved. This just covers the structure and not the staff/resources. Nick has met with UMASS to discuss the physical location. UMASS willing to do the installation.

5. Mixed-Grade classroom evaluation, how to implement

a. We discussed trying to structure a survey that generally addresses implementation and communication as well as feedback of other teachers who were part of the collaboration experience necessitated by the mixed-grade classrooms. We also discussed including an introduction discussing what we did with questions intended to get at what parents are thinking. In addition we would want to discover whether any issues they initially experienced (social, academic, etc.) have been addressed. We also discussed including Susan Viegard in this process. Nick, Suzanne and Susan will meet to more specifically identify what we want to learn.

6. Grant writing – Teaching tolerance for next year. There are 2 parents who have volunteered to write grants (Christine Gray-Mullen and Cathy Luna).

7. Wrap-up, next steps – Nick suggested and we decided to generate a draft agenda for the next meeting at the end of each meeting as a matter or course. For next meeting we have 2 significant items: (1) Getting ready to discuss the SIP at the PGG meeting and (2) Drafting the survey for the mixed grade classroom. HOMEWORK – To come up with survey questions.

Submitted by Liz Melitello
Mark's Meadow School Governance Council
November 8, 2007

Present: Nick Yaffe, Patty O’Brien, Tracy Hightower, Liz Melitello, Therese Chehade, Kent Divoll, Susanne Michel.

Absent: Megan Rosa

1. Review agenda, assign timekeeper and notetaker. Welcome to Susanne Michel the new staff representative to the SGC.

2. Reviewed the faculty input about the school improvement plan: Nick remarked that his goal as principal for the school improvement plan is to reach a consensus and prioritize the ideas. He also mentioned the process for deciding the next steps for the improvement plan: faculty and staff listed ideas, the ideas were discusses, and a list of 3-4 ideas were selected under each area. Nick mentioned that the faculty and staff discussed what constituted good collaboration. We discusses each of the topics of the school improvement plan and the next steps that the faculty recommended for each:

a. Under Inquiry- we discussed- (1) How we could find more money for professional development. It was suggested that teachers decide in which areas they would like professional development so that it might be easier to find resources. It was mentioned that the school has a volunteer that is willing to write grants and that we might be able to find grants for professional development. (2) Nick mentioned that inquiry groups would be shelved for now so that teachers could have more meeting across grade levels instead.

b. Under Teaching/Learning- we discussed- (1) The implementation of the SIOP practices and how the faculty is going to meet to discuss how they can make these ideas real for them in the classroom, what they are already doing, and other ways these ideas can be included. (2) The continuation of the literacy initiative and how the across grade level groups were taking action on it. (3) The evaluation of the mixed grades would most likely be conducted by Sue and Susanne. (4) How the MCAS improvement plan was going to happen. (5) The fact that the child study team process is happening organically.

c. Under Connection to Our Community -we discussed- (1) The idea that if we follow the staff recommendation of lessons for parents about how to help their children succeed in school, we need to find out what parents would want to have and what topics would motivate parents to show up. Some topics that were suggested were homework and how to help your student get ready for middle school. (2) Tracy mentioned that the student planners wherein the students have to write their assignments and parents have to sign off to indicate that they have done the homework has been working well. (3) There was concern that the welcoming committee was not active and the group felt that one should be reformed.

d. Under Belonging and Caring- we discussed- (1) The second step curriculum which creates empathy and deals with conflict resolution, social and emotional issues, anti-bullying, and anger management. (2) The disruption form that students need to sign if they are sent out of the class and the commitment to a disruption-free learning environment what was proposed by the faculty and staff. (3) The ‘Power of our words’ program that focuses on teacher language.

e. Under Social Justice- we discussed- (1) The fact that the district social justice plan has been posted on the district website. (2) During curriculum day, teachers will discuss how they can focus on social justice in the classroom: special attention will be given to the gay and lesbian issue, anti-bias/anti-racist issues/training, and the implementation of the district social justice plan.

f. Under Building and Space- we discussed- (1) That we would talk about the modular classrooms during the budget conversation. (2) The differences between “the shelter in place” plan (meet in a location because there is a problem in the school) and the lock-down plan (trouble outside of school, lock down the school) for emergencies. Both of these plans need to be practiced and Nick mentioned that we need to find a way to do it without scaring the children.

g. Nick mentioned that for each of the next steps on the school improvement plan the process is as follows: the faculty and staff come up with an idea, that idea is implemented, then reshaped, and discussed to see if it should continue.

3. Reviewed other priorities for the 2007-2008 School Year:

a. We discussed the evaluation of the mixed grade classrooms and how we need to collect information from parents, students, and the teachers about their experiences. Also, we need to determine the academic and social impacts of the mixed grades. We decided to start working on a survey for the evaluation at the next meeting. During the evaluation process, we would look at the other options that we had to determine if there was a better option to the mixed grade classrooms. The SGC also decided to try to send out the survey in January and that we would need to determine how we can get maximum participation.

b. We discussed the representation of the committee on elementary school configuration. The committee is attempting to look at issues of equity that relates to the amount of free and reduced lunch students being higher in some schools, the issue of class size, and ways to save money by restructuring.

c. We discussed the future of class size, space issues, and modular classroom configurations. When the modular classrooms are implemented at Mark’s Meadow there would need to be decisions about who uses them and how to staff the new classrooms. It was also mentioned that the 5 kindergarten students that where sent to other schools because of the class size would be asked to comeback for 1st grade.

d. We discusses that an information night to go over the school improvement plan with parents would be a good idea.

4. Other Agenda Items

a. EQA- Patty discussed how the Mark’s Meadow SGC had elections for parents, looks at the school improvement plan during the year, and works to implement the improvement plan (all things that makes the Mark’s Meadow SGC stand out from other SGCs). Patty also mentioned that some people at the EQA meeting complained that cuts in the budget where “across the board” and did not take into account the individual schools situations and needs.

b. Budget- We discussed the budget issues and what it could mean for Mark’s Meadow. One problem that was raised was that if the school gets the modular classrooms more teachers would need to be added and there would need to be an increase in support staff (Title I, paraprofessionals, and intervention staff), music, and computer. Nick mentioned that the budget recommendations are due Dec. 8th and that we would fight to keep library and guidance from being cut any more.

c. Parent Communication- Tracy talked about the communication with parents and how there are more volunteers for room parents/PGG meetings (despite not having a welcoming committee). She mentioned that the volunteer sheets went out, but only 15 have come back so far. She mentioned that there was a suggestion that different room parents be in charge of different fund raising ideas. Tracy also mentioned that she is trying to find Korean and Spanish translators for notes that go home from the school.

d. AEF- Tracy talked about the AEF grants and how we should all work together to see if we can get the Florence Savings Bank to donation money to it.

5. Wrap-Up
a. Nick discussed the Mix it up day, which is tried to the school’s diversity goals. The day would focus on the importance of getting to know people that are different than you and would also have students sit with other students that they do not normal sit with at lunch. Nick mentioned that we wanted to have families get involved by doing the same thing at the community breakfast.

6. Next Steps
a. Work on questions for mixed level grade survey.

b. Ideas for grants for professional development.

Submitted by Kent Divolli

Mark's Meadow School Governance Council
October 4, 2007

Present: Nick Yaffe, Patty O’Brien, Tracy Hightower, Meg Rosa, Liz Melitello,
Therese Chehade Absent: Kent Divoll

1. Review agenda, assign timekeeper and minutes. Welcome to Therese Chehade, staff representative to School Governance Council. Nick is trying to find another staff volunteer. Liz agreed to co-chair for this year.

2. Creating norms for SGC meetings: We will honor the agenda and the timeline for each agenda item. We will try to stay on topic and if need be, will use a ‘parking lot’ for important ideas or discussion items. The agenda will be out the Friday before the SGC meeting for posting on the MM BlogSpot and bulletin board.

3. Update on School Improvement Plan: Staff input has been solicited and helped to create the ‘next steps’ section. Tracy gave out an update for the SIP on community and volunteerism

4. Priorities for 2007-2008:

a. Representation on the School Committee committee on elementary school configuration
b. Space and modular configuration
c. Assist with evaluation of mixed grade classrooms
d. SGC parent representatives – determine how can we solicit input for priorities and next steps for the school improvement plan

5. School Committee presentation of school improvement plan: This did not happen in June as had been planned. Currently scheduled for October 16th. Nick would like any of the SGC members to attend with him. Tracy offered to talk to Nick about making part of the presentation.

6. Mixed Grade Discussion: this actually relates back to one of the priorities set in Agenda item 4. We would like to have open meetings for parents at a future date, perhaps midyear, to hear feedback. Some discussion on whether a survey would be helpful.

7. Wrap up and next steps:

a. Nick will finish SIP and send out
b. Nick will find another staff member for membership on the council
c. Parking lot item: Mission/Vision for SGC
d. Meeting dates for the year:
  • 11/8/07
  • 12/6/07
  • 1/3/08
  • 2/7/08
  • 3/6/08
  • 4/3/08
  • 5/1/08
  • 5/29/08

Respectfully submitted
Patty O’Brien

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